Genome Sequence of the Ethene- and Vinyl Chloride-Oxidizing Actinomycete Nocardioides sp. Strain JS614
Untargeted, tandem mass spectrometry metaproteome of Columbia River sediments.
The Fast Changing Landscape of Sequencing Technologies and Their Impact on Microbial Genome Assemblies and Annotation
The genome of Eucalyptus grandis
The Physcomitrella Genome Reveals Evolutionary Insights into the Conquest of Land by Plants
Natural Prodcast Episode 1: The Primer, Part 1
Predominant Acidilobus-Like Populations from Geothermal Environments in Yellowstone National Park Exhibit Similar Metabolic Potential in Different Hypoxic Microbial Communities
Complete genome sequence of the phenanthrene-degrading soil bacterium Delftia acidovorans Cs1-4
Complete genome sequence of the filamentous gliding predatory bacterium Herpetosiphon aurantiacus type strain (114-95T)
Genome Sequence of Hybrid Vibrio cholerae O1 MJ-1236, B-33, and CIRS101 and Comparative Genomics with V. cholerae▿
Metatranscriptomic Sequencing of Winter and Spring Planktonic Communities from Lake Erie, a Laurentian Great Lake
Reversal of carbapenem-resistance in Shewanella algae by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing