Whole-Genome-Based Phylogeny and Divergence of the Genus Brucella▿ †
The Kalanchoë genome provides insights into convergent evolution and building blocks of crassulacean acid metabolism
Multiple whole-genome alignments without a reference organism
Single-cell enabled comparative genomics of a deep ocean SAR11 bathytype
A single-cell genome perspective on studying intracellular associations in unicellular eukaryotes
Non-photosynthetic lineages sibling to Cyanobacteria associate with eukaryotes in the open ocean
Permanent draft genome of Thiobacillus thioparus DSM 505T, an obligately chemolithoautotrophic member of the Betaproteobacteria
Coral mucus rapidly induces chemokinesis and genome-wide transcriptional shifts toward early pathogenesis in a bacterial coral pathogen
Meraculous: De Novo Genome Assembly with Short Paired-End Reads
Anoxygenic phototroph of the Chloroflexota uses a type I reaction centre
Structure determination of the HgcAB complex using metagenome sequence data: insights into microbial mercury methylation
Genome‐wide scans of selection highlight the impact of biotic and abiotic constraints in natural populations of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon