Supercharging SIP in the Fungal Hyphosphere
JGI@25: Building a Better Bean
Contrasting Patterns of Sequence Evolution at the Functionally Redundant bric à brac Paralogs in Drosophila melanogaster
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanolinea tarda NOBI-1T, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from Methanogenic Digester Sludge
Draft Genome Sequence of Yokenella regensburgei Strain WCD67, Isolated from the Boxelder Bug
Improved-high-quality draft genome sequence of Rhodococcus sp. JG-3, a eurypsychrophilic Actinobacteria from Antarctic Dry Valley permafrost
Genome Sequence of Kosmotoga olearia Strain TBF 19.5.1, a Thermophilic Bacterium with a Wide Growth Temperature Range, Isolated from the Troll B Oil Platform in the North Sea
Draft genome sequence of the Tremellomycetes yeast Papiliotrema laurentii 5307AH, isolated from aircraft
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Rhizobium sullae strain WSM1592; a Hedysarum coronarium microsymbiont from Sassari, Italy
Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia Strain G2, a Nitrogen-Fixing Actinobacterium Isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia and Able To Nodulate Actinorhizal Plants of the Order Rhamnales
Complete Genome Sequence of Nitrosomonas cryotolerans ATCC 49181, a Phylogenetically Distinct Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium Isolated from Arctic Waters
Genome sequence of the acid-tolerant Burkholderia sp. strain WSM2230 from Karijini National Park, Australia