Microbiomes of Velloziaceae from phosphorus-impoverished soils of the campos rupestres, a biodiversity hotspot
A unified catalog of 204,938 reference genomes from the human gut microbiome
Draft Genomes of Two Strains of Flavobacterium Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
Rearrangement of a Large Novel Pseudomonas aeruginosa Gene Island in Strains Isolated from a Patient Developing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
Genome sequence of Microvirga lupini strain LUT6T, a novel Lupinus alphaproteobacterial microsymbiont from Texas
Analyses of expressed sequence tags from the maize foliar pathogen Cercospora zeae-maydis identify novel genes expressed during vegetative, infectious, and reproductive growth
Comparative Genomics Using the Integrated Microbial Genomes and Microbiomes (IMG/M) System: A Deinococcus Use Case
Genomes of Three Methylotrophs from a Single Niche Reveal the Genetic and Metabolic Divergence of the Methylophilaceae
IMG/PR: a database of plasmids from genomes and metagenomes with rich annotations and metadata
Viral dark matter and virus–host interactions resolved from publicly available microbial genomes
Phylogenomic analysis of 589 metagenome-assembled genomes encompassing all major prokaryotic lineages from the gut of higher termites
Methanogenesis and Salt Tolerance Genes of a Novel Halophilic Methanosarcinaceae Metagenome-Assembled Genome from a Former Solar Saltern