Trends in Prokaryotic Evolution Revealed by Comparison of Closely Related Bacterial and Archaeal Genomes ▿
Tuning fresh: radiation through rewiring of central metabolism in streamlined bacteria
Dominant nitrogen metabolisms of a warm, seasonally anoxic freshwater ecosystem revealed using genome resolved metatranscriptomics
Genomes of Three Methylotrophs from a Single Niche Reveal the Genetic and Metabolic Divergence of the Methylophilaceae
Metabolic model predictions enable targeted microbiome manipulation through precision prebiotics.
Illuminating the Virosphere Through Global Metagenomics
Successional adaptive strategies revealed by correlating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance with host plant gene expression
The diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus: A model alga to understand cold‐adapted life
Identification of a gene encoding the last step of the L-rhamnose catabolic pathway in Aspergillus niger revealed the inducer of the pathway regulator
Evolutionary innovations through gain and loss of genes in the ectomycorrhizal Boletales
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga Porphyra umbilicalis
Molecular Evolutionary Consequences of Niche Restriction in Francisella tularensis, a Facultative Intracellular Pathogen