The JGI announces FY25 awardees for our Community Science Program Annual Call
Learning to Look
Three Join the JGI User Executive Committee
JGI@25: Using Team Science to Build Communities Around Data
Comparative analyses of foregut and hindgut bacterial communities in hoatzins and cows
Genomics of wood-degrading fungi
The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation
Single-cell genomics of co-sorted Nanoarchaeota suggests novel putative host associations and diversification of proteins involved in symbiosis
Ecology and evolution of viruses infecting uncultivated SUP05 bacteria as revealed by single-cell- and meta-genomics
Metagenomics-resolved genomics provides novel insights into chitin turnover, metabolic specialization, and niche partitioning in the octocoral microbiome
RegTransBase – a database of regulatory sequences and interactions based on literature: a resource for investigating transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes
Comparative genomic and physiological analysis provides insights into the role of Acidobacteria in organic carbon utilization in Arctic tundra soils