Defensive symbiosis against giant viruses in amoebae
Comparative genomics of freshwater Fe-oxidizing bacteria: implications for physiology, ecology, and systematics
Contrasting Life Strategies of Viruses that Infect Photo- and Heterotrophic Bacteria, as Revealed by Viral Tagging
Genome-wide fitness profiling reveals molecular mechanisms that bacteria use to interact with Trichoderma atroviride exometabolites
Cocultivation of Anaerobic Fungi with Rumen Bacteria Establishes an Antagonistic Relationship
Luteibacter mycovicinus sp. nov., a yellow-pigmented gammaproteobacterium found as an endohyphal symbiont of endophytic Ascomycota
Absence of genome reduction in diverse, facultative endohyphal bacteria
Host-specific and tissue-dependent orchestration of microbiome community structure in traditional rice paddy ecosystems
Tuning fresh: radiation through rewiring of central metabolism in streamlined bacteria
CRAGE-CRISPR facilitates rapid activation of secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters in bacteria
Distinct and rich assemblages of giant viruses in Arctic and Antarctic lakes
Consortia of low-abundance bacteria drive sulfate reduction-dependent degradation of fermentation products in peat soil microcosms