Engagement Webinar: How to Successfully Apply for a CSP Proposal
10 From JGI on the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers List
Notes on the Microbial Diversity of Puerto Nuevo’s Coastline
Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications
Fishing for Novel Cellulose Degraders
From Intern to Published Scientist: The Journey of a JGI-UC Merced Intern
Here, There and Everywhere: Large and Giant Viruses Abound Globally
SPRUCE-ing Up Science
Uncovering Novel Genomes from Earth’s Microbiomes
From Sample Shipments to Sequences – A Tour of the JGI’s Sequencing Pipeline
High Five: Celebrating the JGI-UC Merced Genomics Internship Program
Inspiring STEM Careers Through a Hands-on Everglades Microbiome Study