Supercharging SIP in the Fungal Hyphosphere
JGI@25: Expanding Metagenomics to Capture Viral Diversity
Long-term CRISPR locus dynamics and stable host-virus co-existence in subsurface fractured shales
Metagenomic analysis of a stable trichloroethene-degrading microbial community
Feathermoss and epiphytic Nostoc cooperate differently: expanding the spectrum of plant–cyanobacteria symbiosis
Genomic Features Predict Bacterial Life History Strategies in Soil, as Identified by Metagenomic Stable Isotope Probing
Integration of Metagenomic and Stable Carbon Isotope Evidence Reveals the Extent and Mechanisms of Carbon Dioxide Fixation in High-Temperature Microbial Communities
Recent Activity in Expanding Populations and Purifying Selection Have Shaped Transposable Element Landscapes across Natural Accessions of the Mediterranean Grass Brachypodium distachyon
Yeasts and how they came to be
HT-SIP: a semi-automated stable isotope probing pipeline identifies cross-kingdom interactions in the hyphosphere of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
MISIP: a data standard for the reuse and reproducibility of any stable isotope probing-derived nucleic acid sequence and experiment
The integrated microbial genomes system: an expanding comparative analysis resource