A green graphic of a city scape with a helix rising from the center as if a tall building.

The JGI’s DNA Synthesis Program has been a pioneering effort in functional genomics since 2012, with a focus on addressing critical energy and environmental challenges. Through innovative research in synthetic biology, the program enables the design and synthesis of complex genetic pathways and biosystems. It supports a wide range of projects, from single-gene synthesis to the synthesis of entire chromosomes, advancing the development of biofuels, biochemicals and other bioenergy solutions. The program fosters collaboration with U.S. and international scientists to drive innovations that align with DOE's mission to create sustainable solutions for a cleaner future.

Resources and Tools

Synthesis Capabilities & Offerings

The JGI's DNA Synthesis Science Group supports researchers exploring how to convert sequence into functional assessments. The team has a research & development group, a team that develops data science tools, and a user science group.

Learn more about our offerings & capabilities

The JGI has developed a suite of build-optimization software tools to streamline the design-build transition in synthetic biology engineering workflows.

Integrated Microbial Genomes and Microbiomes

The IMG/M system serves as a community resource for comparative analysis and annotation of all publicly available genomes from three domains of life, in a uniquely integrated context. 

Visit IMG/M

The MycoCosm web portal provides data access, visualization, and analysis tools for comparative genomics of fungi. Mycocosm enables users to navigate across sequenced fungal genomes, and to conduct comparative and genome-centric analyses of fungi and community annotation.

Visit Mycocosm

Phytozome is the JGI's Plant Comparative Genomics portal. Families of related genes representing the modern descendants of ancestral genes are constructed at key phylogenetic nodes. These families allow easy access to clade-specific orthology/paralogy relationships as well as insights into clade-specific novelties and expansions. 

Visit Phytozome
Inventory of Composable Elements

ICE is an open source registry platform developed by the Joint BioEnergy Institute for managing information about biological parts, capable of recording information about 'legacy' parts. 

Visit ICE

The guideRNA and Sequence Extraction Tool (gRNA-SeqRET) was developed by the JGI as a tool for extracting specific sequence regions in a high throughput manner from any genome, and facilitate whole genome gRNA design for CRISPR applications.

Visit gRNA-SeqRET


DNA Synthesis Program Head