Genome R&D Lead

Research in the Analysis R&D group focuses on developing new bioinformatics solutions to support JGI in adopting new genomics technologies, scaling up genomics analysis to peta-bases, and enabling data-driven science. This is a group of computational biologists, bioinformaticians, computer scientists and biostatisticians. Through collaborations with internal and external scientists, the Wang group has developed customized data analyses and software to enable “grand-scale” scientific projects. These solutions include large-scale genome variants analyses, next-generation transcriptome de novo assembly, metagenome and metatranscriptome assembly, Hadoop based on sequence analysis framework, etc. For example, this group was responsible for the terabase scale data analysis in the cow rumen and sheep rumen metagenome projects. Standing at the intersection between the rapid development of genome and computational technologies, in the coming years the Wang group will continue its effort to explore new genome and computational technologies (NanoPore, GPU, Cloud etc) and their applications in solving DOE’s most challenging problems.