JGI’s plant data portal team highlights the latest Phytozome update while assuring users will continue to have straightforward access to the existing data and features. [Read More]
In this guest blog: a behind-the-paper look at the fungus Olpidium, a link in the evolution and transition of fungi from aquatic to terrestrial habitats. [Read More]
Montana State University graduate student Nick Reichart spent a year at the JGI through the DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program. [Read More]
Building upon the principles for open access in the field of genomics, the JGI recognizes the need to engage the community to inform necessary changes to JGI data policies. [Read More]
At the JGI and EMSL, various tools leverage stable isotopes to measure carbon and nutrient flux, and identify microbes assimilating labeled compounds. [Read More]
How the JGI employs single-molecule, long-read DNA sequences to aid with genome assembly and transcriptome analysis of microbial, fungal, and plant research projects. These long-reads have also been applied to DNA methylation analysis as well as improving metagenome assemblies. [Read More]