Confirming Microbial Lineages Through Cultivation-Independent Means
Collaborator Janet Jansson in Quanta magazine
“[S]oon after the turn of the century, new high-octane DNA sequencing methods made it possible to sequence thousands or even millions of genes almost instantly. These new, speedier methods meant researchers could easily sequence the collective genomes of the sample, known as a metagenome, for the first time. Suddenly, it was possible to scan the… [Read More]
Automating Microbial Genome Sequence Decontamination
Data Quality, Data Sets and New Directions: Plotting IMG’s Next 10 Years
Charting Short-Term Results of Wetlands Restoration
Promoting Safety & Wellness at Work and at Home
Meraculous: Genome Assembly from Months to Minutes
“Using the parallelized version of Meraculous, we can now assemble the entire human genome in about eight minutes using 15,360 computer processor cores. With this tool, we estimate that the output from the world’s biomedical sequencing capacity could be assembled using just a portion of NERSC’s Edison supercomputer,” says Evangelos Georganas, a UC Berkeley graduate… [Read More]