Halophilic bacteria thrive in environments with very high concentrations of salt such as the waters and sediments of salt lakes and saline soils. One of the reasons why the DOE JGI has been sequencing halophiles under the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea (GEBA) project and the Community Sequencing Program is because they have salt-adapted enzymes that could be used in breaking down complex sugars, a process applicable to biofuel production. Sequencing these extremophiles also provides researchers with more information about their metabolic capabilities.
conducted a comparative genomic analysis of five newly-sequenced halophilicarchaea with five previously sequenced halophiles. All halophiles were sequenced at the DOE JGI and then assembled with the help of DOE JGI software such as Prodigal and GenePRIMP before these genomes were analyzed using the DOE JGI’s Integrated Microbial Genomes Expert Review system.