Anoxic carbon flux in photosynthetic microbial mats as revealed by metatranscriptomics
Microbial species and intraspecies units exist and are maintained by ecological cohesiveness coupled to high homologous recombination
Ecology and evolution of viruses infecting uncultivated SUP05 bacteria as revealed by single-cell- and meta-genomics
Evolution and comparative genomics of the most common Trichoderma species
Comparative Genomics of the Ectomycorrhizal Sister Species Rhizopogon vinicolor and Rhizopogon vesiculosus (Basidiomycota: Boletales) Reveals a Divergence of the Mating Type B Locus
Comparative Genomics Using the Integrated Microbial Genomes and Microbiomes (IMG/M) System: A Deinococcus Use Case
Impact of single-cell genomics and metagenomics on the emerging view of extremophile “microbial dark matter”
A single-cell genomics pipeline for environmental microbial eukaryotes
Dynamic root exudate chemistry and microbial substrate preferences drive patterns in rhizosphere microbial community assembly
A parts list for fungal cellulosomes revealed by comparative genomics
Microbial species delineation using whole genome sequences
Genomics, Exometabolomics, and Metabolic Probing Reveal Conserved Proteolytic Metabolism of Thermoflexus hugenholtzii and Three Candidate Species From China and Japan