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Game On: High School Students Drive Everglades Metagenomics Study
JGI@25: Using Team Science to Build Communities Around Data
Giant Bacteria Found in Guadeloupe Mangroves Challenge Traditional Concepts
A Collaboration to Improve Plant Genome Annotations Across Species
A Step Toward Controlling Soybean Rust
10 From JGI on the 2019 Highly Cited Researchers List
Getting to the Bottom of Fungal Functions Across Earth’s Forests
Metagenomic and metaproteomic insights into bacterial communities in leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens
Complete Genome of Enterobacteriaceae Bacterium Strain FGI 57, a Strain Associated with Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens
Complete Genome of Serratia sp. Strain FGI 94, a Strain Associated with Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens
Leucoagaricus gongylophorus Produces Diverse Enzymes for the Degradation of Recalcitrant Plant Polymers in Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens